I will forgive but I won't forget
And I hope you know you've lost my respect

You better watch out
If you don't know whats going on around you
You better think twice
Before you fly off the handle and lose it
You better join us
Before you get lost in the shuffle
You gotta rise against
The demons that are gonna try and hold you down

Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love?
Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love?
The ones you love, the ones you love, the ones you love

Cause I'm not a pawn for you to play in your fucking game
I've got dignity and a dream that I want to achieve
Under pressure, you crumbled and you let me down
I'm not deaf and all I hear are your empty promises

Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
The ones you love, the ones you love, the ones you love

Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!

I will forgive but I won't forget
And I hope you know you've lost my respect

Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!


I know I've been a pretender
You can have this guilt this misery I wear so well
I wave my flag I sound the alarm
Somebody stop me before I do any harm
I surrender
I know I've been a pretender

I'm living a dead life I'm staring into the headlights
Of a gateway car that'll take me out of my mind tonight

Crash and burn s.o.s. somebody help me get out of this mess of a dead life
I'm burning under the spotlight

My heart is a fist drenched in blood
My soul will fight again
My heart is a fist drenched in blood
My soul will fight again

Take a look at these hollow eyes- one last look before I say goodbye
To this candle-lit nightmare I feel like can never escape

So watch me fall from grace - watch me carve my hate
In the heart of a lover I feel I can never escape my fate

My heart is a fist drenched in blood
My soul will fight again
My heart is a fist drenched in blood
My soul will fight again

I see you on your cloud looking down
I am on my knees today but you don't notice me

I see you on your cloud looking down
I am on my knees today but you don't notice me
You don't notice me
You don't notice me
You don't notice me
I'm screaming while I pray
While I pray
While I pray
You don't notice me
I'm sick of you...
I am done with you...

I see you on your cloud looking down
I am on my knees today but you don't notice me

My heart is a fist drenched in blood
My soul will fight again
My heart is a fist drenched in blood
My soul will fight again

Postat av: wrinkles around lips

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